Alert Canine Training
Service Dog Training
Canine Tutor, LLC

To be announced
Service Dog Awareness Seminar
Diabetic Alert Dog Training ABC's
Service Dog Airport Seminar
Private Service Dog Training

Canine University of Ohio/Alert Canine Training's Amy Spence Gutmann announces our upcoming Annual Service Dog Workshop.
Location: To be announced soon
SERVICE DOG SEMINAR - Saturday, 8:00am - Noon. For those people who want to learn more about Service Dogs in many different aspects. Attendees will be those with an existing service dog or are interested in getting a service dog; business owners who want to learn more about service dogs in public venues; professionals in the medical/therapy/psychology fields; veterinarians and staff; professionals in schools; and, any other interested individuals. We will discuss the ADA, FAA and State laws regarding Medical Alert Dogs, PTSD SD and ESD (emotional support dog) dogs; what qualifies a Service Dog; tasks that a Service Dog provides to owner; necessary obedience and behavioral training; and, questions and answers.
DIABETIC ALERT DOG TRAINING ABC's - Saturday, 1:00pm - 5:00pm. For those people who want to learn more about the training for DAD whether they currently have a dog are going to be getting one. Topics to be covered include, but not limited to: a brief review of the ADA and State laws regarding Medical Alert Dogs; choosing between a puppy, rescue or adult dog; imprinting DAD puppies; early neurological stimulation techniques; how to select a DAD; progressive levels of scent training; recommended obedience training; public access training; scent/alert games and refreshers; and, behavioral topics.
Private Training: Individuals/families can schedule a private training consult with Amy Gutmann. These consults can be at your local home, the training venue or public location. Cost of private training is based on length of the individual session. Please email to receive more details.
Public Access Training Day - TBA, 8:00am - 5:00pm. We will spend the first hour at workshop venue to discuss Public Access rules and etiquette. We will take public transportation to downtown Cleveland. Details on the transportation announced soon. We will train the Service Dogs while walking Public Square and Tower City venues. We will have lunch at a downtown restaurant, separate checks.
American Kennel Club testing: As a bonus to the Workshop this year, those attending with a dog are eligible to take the Canine Good Citizen and Canine Good Citizen Community Urban evaluations.
Cost of the Service Dog & DAD Seminar will be posted shortly. $___/person for Service Dog Awareness and $___/person for D.A.D. ABC's. $___ /person for both Service Dog & DAD Seminar. Additional family members are $____/person/day. Those interested in bringing their current service dog need to have a phone consult first. The Workshops have limited enrollment for those who want to bring service dogs, so contact us asap.
There will be a lunch break from noon- 12:45pm which is included for those who attend full day training.