Alert Canine Training
Service Dog Training
Canine Tutor, LLC

Diabetic Alert Dog Initial Consult
Having a Diabetic Alert Dog is a big committment for the owner. I initially have a no cost phone consultation to answer preliminary questions. If the prospective client then wants to procede, I require that we have an intial in-home meeting with all parties involved in order to review everything from start through training and long term. This meeting does not obligate the prospective owner(s) to the program, but is more of an informational meeting for the prospective owners as well as for me. DAD's can be an incredible asset to a diabetic. I want to make sure the prospective owner fully understands the benefits as well as the committments. The propestive owner needs to know about the time and financial aspects of having a DAD. I will give the prospective owner the typical timeline for training, examples of the extra time needed for everyday tasks when with a DAD and the various costs for a DAD (puppy's cost, veterinarian costs, food, equipment, training, etc). I want to make sure the prospective owner knows that the success of the program is three-fold: puppy, owner and trainer. All three need to be dedicated.
Prior to the initial in-home meeting, the prospective owner is to complete the DAD-K9U Application. This will be emailed to the prospective owner after the phone consult.